
Sunday 18 December 2016

Summer Learning Journey - Bonus Activity

For this activity I had to use the XE currency converter website [] to find out how much each ticket would cost in New Zealand dollars [NZD $$]. On your blog, tell us:

  1. How much it would cost in New Zealand dollars to fly to each country.
  2. Which country is the most expensive country to visit
  3. Which country is the least expensive country to visit
Australia $826 - NZ $866.582 

Japan $147172 - NZ $1,792.87
Malaysia $7182 - NZ $2,305.07
United Arab Emirates $7219 - NZ $2,823.52
South Africa $27296 - NZ $2,801.63
Germany $2182 - NZ $3,276.12
England $1442 - NZ $3,914.97
Chile $1,582,030 - NZ $4.65282
Mexico $90,664 - NZ $153.394
Canada $2064 - NZ $2,359.22
The most expensive country to visit is Mexico.
The country that is the least expensive country to visit is Australia.


  1. Hey AJ
    Nice job for this activity but isn't Chile the most expensive country to visit? Anyway, nice job, keep it up!

  2. Hi AJ I agree with Daniel as well by the way you have done a great job!

  3. Awesome effort to give another Bonus Activity a go AJ, great stuff!

    Currency conversion can be a little tricky sometimes. Especially trying to figure out how many New Zealand dollars go into so many different currencies! You're absolutely right, Mexico is the most expensive country to visit. I think there might have been a little mix up in the conversion rate though, as it would have cost over $6200 for you to buy a ticket there. Talk about being very expensive!

    Why do you think it would be so much cheaper to fly to Australia? Also, why do you think it would be so much cheaper to fly to Canada, considering it is further away than Mexico?

    Good end to Day 3 here Aminiasi. I'm looking forward to catching up on all of your blogs.

