
Wednesday 20 August 2014

Spooky Halloween

Today is a really big day. Its October the thirty first, Halloween!!! Rachael, Emily, Greg, Aaron and Dylan are friends. They are going to go trick treating together. They are going to every house on their street, but only Dylan and Aaron know that that the creepy house across the road is a really spooky because there is a terrifying man who guards the house. They both try to tell the others but they are too busy talking about Halloween and how much lollies they are going to get. They rushed to every house and got like about 20 lollies from each house. Finally they came to the old house and after they knocked on the door lightning struck. Everybody screamed and yelled but except for Dylan and Aaron because they knew what was going to happening next. A scary man appeared behind them. Aaron and Dylan told the rest to stop screaming and shouting and look behind them. The man started to chase them. While he was chasing them he was shouting “don’t come knocking on my door and get away from me”They all ran to Dylan's house and spied on the house. When Aaron and Dylan were young it happened to them to but they were the one that were not listening. Emily and Rachel went back home because they were too scared of the man. Dylan and Aaron fell asleep on the floor.

Greg went out on  the driveway and tried to think how come he didn't want  him and his friends near him so he went across the road and knocked on his door. Rachel and Emily came running back fast as a jet to Dylan’s house and woke him and Aaron up and told them that they saw a shadow that looked liked the man from the spooky house. Then suddenly they all realised that Greg wasn't there. They looked everywhere until Emily found him waiting by the scary house.

They shouted across the road and asked Greg why was he waiting by the house. Greg shouted back and said “ I want to ask him why he doesn't like us near him. After he shouted he heard a noise coming from the bush. The noise went louder and louder until Greg was face was shaking. It was the man. He came up to Greg and told him why are you coming near me again!!! He told him with a small tiny voice and said “ I want to ask you why you don’t like us near you.” He then said “ because my wife didn't like children because they did mean things to her like throw eggs at her and tease her.”Then Greg said “we wouldn't do that to you and your wife, we only wanted to get some lollies for Halloween. Then he said “sorry, I didn't mean to scare you.” Then he remembered that they didn't get lollies from him so he went to buy some and gave the lollies to them. After the kids got there lollies they enjoyed their treat at their home.

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