
Wednesday 24 August 2016

Warriors Visit

Today in the afternoon Panmure Bridge School had a visit from Alice from DTR, Georgia and two Warriors John Palavi and Ryan Hoffman. They then introduced themselves to us. We then got split up into two teams and had a trivia about the Warriors. If you give the correct answer you will get a prize. They then talked about sleep. I learnt that primary school kids should have eleven hours sleep and adults should have eight. Ryan Hoffman said if you don't have enough sleep you wont have enough energy. Next they were speaking about hydration. The number one choice of drink is water. After that we listened to our visitors who then talked to us  about belonging. They asked to a few people where are the different places we belong to. Some kids said that we belong in our family, school and sports clubs. 


  1. This assembly was a lot of fun and was a great way to get an important message across. Glad you enjoyed it :)

  2. Hello Mrs Anderson, I think the Warriors members did a great job on sending their message on being really healthy. Thank You Mrs Anderson for commenting on my blog.
