
Friday 26 February 2016

Earning Trust

Inline images 7

Yesterday the year seven's went out in the afternoon with Mrs Anderson to earn each others trust. First Mrs Anderson told us to find buddy that you hardly work with. Then you had to choose one person to close there eyes first and the other one guiding them. We had to guide the person from the junior playground and up the stairs leading up to LS2. Then after that we had to go back were started. When we were finished it was the other person to close their eyes and the other guiding them. Then we got to go down the slide with our eyes close. Finally we got to go anywhere in the school ground. After that lesson I now trust new people that I didn't before.

1 comment:

  1. Hi son,
    What a fun activity to do especially with someone you hardly work with. It's not always easy to earn someone's trust. I like this kind of activity.
